Deck upgrades in the Crystal Cave

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Deck Upgrades in the Crystal Cave
    You’re already familiar with upgrading cannons and ammo in the Crystal Cave, but our upgrade specialists have been hard at work to come up with something brand new and, you can now upgrade your decks too!

    Get your mitts on some pearl decks and upgrade them so that you have more room on board – specifically, you’ll have an extra space that you can fill with 10 beams or 10 cannons. Don’t forget that you won’t be able to exceed the maximum number of beams or cannons allowable per deck. So, if you already have 10 cannons aboard, you can use the extra space that the upgrade will secure you to store beams.

    Upgrading is costly and can only be done for certain decks. Gold, mojo, ivory and ebony decks cannot be upgraded, which means that you need pearl decks. The higher the level of your deck, the costlier it will be to upgrade it.

    You can find further information <

    Improve your decks and give ‘em hell in action-packed, high seas battles. Good luck, pirates!
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