Deleting irrelevant messages

Discussion in 'Help' started by SazerKING, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. SazerKING

    SazerKING Junior Expert


    I have deleted non-relevant posts, please keep the thread on topic, constructive and pleasant.

    Thank you ! :)

    This was written by rise, after I asked why my message was deleted
    I fully understand what youre saying, however I have never seen someones post been deleted when they haven´t broken any forum rules, I have seen a lot of people making irrelevant posts which are far of constructive and pure moaning towards BP etc aswell as petty insults. Beside I don´t really understand why my post was irrelvant in the first place, In my opinion I had a point considering this post was regarding islands/cadocs, the person that I replied to (frankthetank1974) had made a suggestion in a previous thread about islands that cadocs should shoot vodoo dooom, as this is a part of the bonus that the islands have atm(the defending by cadocs) I thought it was worth of bringing it up in this idea that arky suggested, if you think otherwise that is totally okey for me.
    That my message was deleted because of it was non relevant as (s/he) sees it doesnt really annoy me, but what does is that several people clearly breaks the forum rules daily, insulting other players, accusing players, Bigpoint.
    I am a fair player, I dont disrespect anyone , I don´t insult people. I make jokes. I dont ask for a special treatment. but what I do ask for is respect, and to be punished for jokes, while others clearly breaks the rules daily is not fair.
    but if every non constructive/relevant posts would be deleted there would barely be any posts left on this forum. The point of the forum is to get the players to express their opinions,suggestions and question.
    Im not asking for an explanation, I just think the system with the warnings on forum is inadequate. To have posts deleted is to me worse then a warning, which some people seems to be able to have plenty of times without actuall action. and why are the posts which insult,accuse others, why arent they deleted ? They are still there with a red warning text. This doesnt make any sense whatsoever.
    If there would be a request by mod to think untill next time to be relevant/constructive to the topic, rather then what was the case where I had to ask who deleted my post. if someone ignores the mods request then deleting message is fair, Then atleast you would know if you do something wrong.
    I hope you realise my point, Thanks and Kind regards / Sazer
    Sea~Stream likes this.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your feedback has been noted. I apologise you feel that your post was ignored, deleted and disrespected. It has been felt that to remove a post rather than give a warning which can all add up and lead to the loss of forum privledges a better solution. However if you feel that you would rather have this warning than your post removed this will certainly be discussed.
  3. SazerKING

    SazerKING Junior Expert

    Thanks Seren , I personally would rather have a warning then the post to be removed.
    You may now close
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you for your input mate, as Seren has said, we will discuss it :)

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