Different characters in names

Discussion in 'Help' started by üzüm, Dec 29, 2017.

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  1. üzüm

    üzüm Forum Apprentice


    Yesterday I sent a ticket about some player's name -you can not spy him- to support but when I get the error(there wasnt any announcement yet) I also sent ticket to Turkey support. First answer was "we will verify and take measure" and answer from Turkish support is "you can choose such names if you want, its allowed"....

    1) Why is this allowed? I can not spy them?
    2) If it is not allowed, why they told me otherwise?

    Thank You
    titanik817 likes this.
  2. Beorn

    Beorn User


    Player's name that is either invisible or can not be spied, because of some symbol or character is not allowed in the game.

    Some nations may allow some symbols to be used, but as long as you can spy that name there is no problem.

    Try your best to find that player's ID with Alt + Click on ship (system will write it in your Chat Box), or try to find him/her on Mateys list (do not forget to check "Search outside your list") and send a ticket to our Support. Your ticket will be received, you can ignore that error message.

    Happy sailing
  3. DeathWasHere

    DeathWasHere Active Author

    Then you better take a look at the game, plenty of players who use no username, only a blank space, are on the water.
    Loki162 and titanik817 like this.
  4. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Then these are the players that need reporting. If they are not getting reported then no action is taken, and therefore more players follow suit. It is the way this game is. If a bug or issue is not quickly resolved, everybody uses it and then it is too wide-spread to give reasonable punishment.

    If the names are invisible and against the rules, Alt+Click them for their ID and send it in to support. They're not going to get banned because it would be quite a petty reason, but I have done this before and seen players names get changed back within hours.

  5. These players WILL be required to change their names to ones that can be searched. Screenshot name, and ID, and send it to Support.

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