Drakir Hrell

Discussion in 'Help' started by Pagan_Spirit, Oct 20, 2018.

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  1. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    I killed one this week and received about 850 pearls.

    If my memory serves right though, a few months ago, this was around 2000 pearls.
    > I checked the recent patchday notes and havent found any clues of a change.

    --> does my memory just suck, or was the reward reduced due to all the auto-players?
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The reward of this NPC has indeed been changed, I recommend you read the following thread:
    Display error / mislogged?

    The new rewards for this NPC are as follows:

    Has this answered your query?

  3. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant


    **oh, and: how can we figure out such changes if they arent marked anywhere?


    TEX~BULL User

    We will update the Seafight Bible as we receive information on changes. As the Op is satisfied with the answer to the original question I will close now.

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