dude unban me now

Discussion in 'Help' started by adminISevil, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. adminISevil

    adminISevil Forum Apprentice

    look man u banned me out of the blue for my name you said if I change it Ill be unbanned its been changed for 2 days uban me NOW>>>>>>>>>>>

    TEX~BULL User

    I am goign to ask one last time for your player ID# with out it I can not unban you period!
  3. adminISevil

    adminISevil Forum Apprentice

    did I give correct data?
  4. adminISevil

    adminISevil Forum Apprentice

    40/12401805 northamerica / east coast
  5. adminISevil

    adminISevil Forum Apprentice

    is that correct & can I change my name in the forum profile does it change boat name ?
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You account is no longer banned. Please log in and change our user name within the next 24 hours.

    You can do this by using the change user name in the profile page.

    As you have had many inappropriate user names in the past if this is not carried out in the next 24 hours your account will be removed for 28 days.

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