Discussion in 'Help' started by *GRUDGE*, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    Will an ELP booster work in bonus maps?
    Will the ships bell from the fore castle help in bonus maps?
  2. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    the elp booster doubles the elp from pearl ammo and scroll elp rewards
    it does not boost the ships bell and does not increase the elp from admiral cannons.

    example without elp booster

    100 admiral cannons = 100 elp using pearl ammo 100 admiral cannons = 100 elp + 100 elp for pearl ammo ships bell level 6= 25%/25 elp overall total = 225 elp

    with elp booster

    100 admiral cannons = 100 elp using pearl ammo 100 admiral cannons = 100 elp + 200 elp for pearl ammo ships bell level 6= 25%/25 overall total = 325 elp

    the ships bell does not work when shooting norm al ammunition from admiral cannons
  3. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Great reply soljaboy, thank you for helping your m8.

    Grudge, I hope that information helps you.
  4. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    ok, specifically..... I do not have any admiral cannons.. I have mostly voodoo cannons and some lvl 5 60's. My ships bell is lvl 6 and I currently have a ELP booster on the sea chart.

    In the FAQ of the bible it tells me that on wave 13 of a cancer map, I will receive 10,366 ELP. After the last npc on wave 13, I received 10,366 ELP. This was using mostly hollows, but I did throw a few flares at the end to knock down the hp of the bigger npc's.

    Should I be talking to tech support, or does the ships bell and ELP booster not apply in the bonus maps?
  5. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    if it has not added it to your logbook then the best thing you can do is make a post in the tech section providing your user id server and to make things easier if you also put the logbook entry there then the moderaters should be able to help you or refer you to the right place.
  6. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    I have reposted in Technical questions...thank you for your help soljaboy.

    you may close
  7. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    you are very welcome :)
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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