
Discussion in 'Help' started by dipfawkez, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. dipfawkez

    dipfawkez Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i would let you know there is a glitch to change email, and using by a hacker or scammer, what they do is : they send confirmation change email to their own email. i mean "the old email" and "the new email" is same then they send confirmation to himslef, and DO IT MANY TIMES. so they got like example 10 Link Confirmation for change email. And the confirmation of change email seems doesnt have valid time, so they can just click the confirmation they sent himself. and the GOTCHA the email back to his old email. he do that to my account, everyday i change my email but they still could changed it back to himself. thats a glitch.. you understand what i explain? its a glitch.

    my account got hacked and everytime i got the account back and changed into my email, he can take it again without any Confirmation Change Email in my account. and switch the email back to him.
    lucky.ring likes this.
  2. dipfawkez

    dipfawkez Forum Greenhorn

    any mod watching my thread? i report this glitch to support but nobody watch it and they seems dont care about this.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this has been forwared to support I shall close.

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