Feedback Ending the game.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Psycho, Jan 29, 2019.

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  1. Psycho

    Psycho Forum Greenhorn

    Bigpoint, in general, is ruining this game with the payment reductions on how long you play the game.
    Let me explain why.
    So a player, who enjoys this game, and plays for 10-14 hours a day, is going to be receiving less and less, for the longer he plays? So you're telling me, that if I were to play for 12 hours a day, I would start receiving less and less pearls, and everything in general for spending my time playing?
    Lets look at it this way, an alliance has lion map all day. Okay, that's normal, but somebody who sits in there, and farms pearls, will start receiving less for the amount of hours played?
    Is this just another way to get users to spend more and more money to keep up with the insane prices for cannons and other idiotic stuff that you think of to put on this game?
    By adding this, you will drive more and more players away from this game, meaning, at the same time, less cash in your pockets. Think about it, think both ways.
    Either way, you lose Bigpoint.
    Thanks for ruining this game. :eek:
    VicenzicPassaric likes this.
  2. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    The real question is why are you playing for 12+ hours/day? By taking regular breaks you'll keep your bonus up and even be able to get +10%, also it's healthy to take breaks irl :) Also this system is to curb bots, an account running 24h/day will very quickly be earning nothing.

    TEX~BULL User

    As this has been posted elsewhere I will close

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