Suggestion Enhancing Task Navigation: Marking Task NPCs on World Map

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by Revenger[TR], Mar 18, 2024.

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What do you think?

Poll closed Mar 25, 2024.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. Revenger[TR]

    Revenger[TR] Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone,

    As you know, when we hover over maps on the game map, it shows the characters that give tasks on that map. My suggestion is to mark the maps on the world map where the NPCs for the tasks that players are assigned to sink are located, and I want that map to appear in a different color. Also, when the mouse pointer is on that map, it should indicate which task NPCs are on that map.

    This suggestion is designed to enhance the gaming experience and allow players to track their tasks more easily. I hope that game developers will consider this suggestion and add these features to the game.

    What do you think? Please feel free to share your thoughts and anything you would like to add!

    Happy gaming!

    -PUSAT-, sail-ing and m0zilla like this.
  2. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    I think that's a great idea, hopefully they use your idea mate...Cheers