EP Ranking

Discussion in 'Help' started by KillerBunnyRabbit, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. KillerBunnyRabbit

    KillerBunnyRabbit Someday Author

    Almost overnight, my EP ranking went from 268 to 305. Since quite a few players were supposedly banned on GA2, I had expected it to go the other way when they were removed from the Hall of Fame, but that never happened. Now this. What's up??

  2. bblHead

    bblHead Active Author

    Probably let some of the 'permanently' banned bad actors back in. Others have been complaining about letting them back. Mine dropped to 518 from around 490 as well and a number of the names I see ahead of me have not been there for a while.
  3. Oh common o_O this is ridiculous... Now they bringing them back in the game :mad:
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please do not listen to romours. None of the permanently banned players will be returned to the game.

    As you are aware some of our players that were active and no banned were removed in error, from the Hall of Fame. This would probably be the reason for the drop in your ranks.
  5. KillerBunnyRabbit

    KillerBunnyRabbit Someday Author

    Since initiating this post, my ranking has dropped another 10 spots to 315. Seren, I understand what you are saying, but that would mean that at some time in previous months my EP should have jumped up in the rankings proportionately when those players were "removed in error"; this never happened. As I know that you will not disclose the information about which players were put back in the hall of fame, there is no way for anyone to verify what has actually happened. So this is pointless. And frustrating. Please Close.

  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As per OP request.

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