Discussion in 'Help' started by GЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ, Nov 16, 2023.

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  1. GЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ

    GЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ Forum Greenhorn

    It doesn't allow me to use the pvp aura, nor to make a manual bonus map, and I wasn't punished with buf, is it some mistake or what is it, since it automatically allows me to use the bonus map but manually it doesn't.:confused::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O

    Everything was going well until the next Event "On Dark and Stormy Tides" began.;)
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 17, 2023
  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This is what messed up the aura during the last event:

    Note: If you have over 400 Barrels you will not be able to activate Aura of Protection, and if its already activated you will lose it!
  3. MR.GREEN30

    MR.GREEN30 Forum Greenhorn

    aint no more event defiant
  4. GЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ

    GЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ Forum Greenhorn

    oooooo I didn't know that information, thank you very much.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I wonder, now that the event is over, are the left over barrels going to still limit the aura?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  6. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I have only 89 left, so I am okay. But that is a great question!
    Bawdyn likes this.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    During the event - yes anything above 400 Barrels of Grog would stop players from activating the Aura, however after the event something like that should not take place.

    I have tested your theory and I can confirm that the amount of leftover barrels of grog (if there are any) do not affect your Aura of Protection.

    ЄORGЄ~Sħoot~3ØØ If you are still unable to activate your Aura please provide us with your server and user ID (both can be found right under your ship).

    Bawdyn likes this.
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there is no further response I shall close this thread.


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