Event chests

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by kingbeer1021, Mar 8, 2024.

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  1. kingbeer1021

    kingbeer1021 Forum Greenhorn

    Im really starting to question the content of these event chests. The event Faq states that sometimes they should give cannons.

    In the Event Treasure Chests you find many useful items like Aqua, Pyre, Ice and Bloodfyre ammunition, Taureau Amulet, Simbi Amulet, Dragonfire, Bastion Level 2, Stone of Storms, Bloodlust, Unstoppable, Mojo, Poseidon´s Crown, Overlord Level 3 and other items

    The issue is they really do not. Ive waited a lot before posting but now Ive opened about 250 of those and haven't receive a single one. I asked my guild mates if they did, none of them did receive any cannon. Im asking here to see if other players have goten any, to see if its just a very low rate, or if it is just a mistake.

    I want to make it clear because I feel their content is a bit underwelheming too.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy kingbeer1021!

    I can assure you that the cannons can be obtained from the event treasure chests, please remember that there is just a chance.

  3. Disaster2604

    Disaster2604 Junior Expert

    Thus far i have gotten 2 cannons, not overlord though. 2x Bastion lv. 3
    For reference during calypso event i had around 3k chests opened in that number i found 6x Overlord lv. 3
  4. kingbeer1021

    kingbeer1021 Forum Greenhorn

    I still didn't get any, but thank you still, Im happy for the confirmation they exists.

    Apprecite your work and thanks!
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I shall close this thread.


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