Event keys.

Discussion in 'Help' started by www, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    Event keys are usually exchanged for normal keys at the end of the event, but I heard it won't be like that this time and, to check, I went to the event faq and there is no paragraph saying that the keys will be exchanged. The question is: Will the keys be exchanged? I ran out of shrapnell...
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    They normally get exchanged on a basis of 1 event key to 1 normal key. However, at this time, the fate of the event key is unknown.
  3. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    Well, we got a new enemy and the upgraded shcrap is the best way to scare them when they see 50k critics from a not so big sheep. Should I save 300k pearls for keys just in case?
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    I honestly don't know what is going on with the keys. Moderators have not been given this information.

    So I'd hate to comment and if things don't pan out, you come back to me and chew my head off.

    Have I answered your main question about the keys? :)
  5. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    Acording to the danish forum, "eventnøgles" will be exchanged for "kistennøgles" in the ratio of 1:1. I want to have my voodoo priest for a few years, voodoo doom, shrapnell and boosters, so I guess I can buy 1000 by thursday. Now if BP makes an event where I can get the Beryl gem, I will becom unstoppable.

    Thanks anyway. you may close now and don't worry, I don't bite... so hard .
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    Haha ok mate.

    AS per OP request, I shall close.

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