Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Destroyer21, Jun 15, 2017.

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  1. Destroyer21

    Destroyer21 Forum Greenhorn

    The small ships give no pearls. Also the admirals give only 20k pearls even if you have shot it for 25mins with it hitting us for 150k HP. Chests are good but could be a lot better, and ship wrecks need to be better too. The event ammo currently cant be profited off. This event needs a serious adjustment or to be taken down and replaced with a decent event like post man event. Thank you for reading. PS The group map only gives 10k pearls and this is really bad, make it give at least 25k
  2. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey ,

    You received 12716 x Pearls.
    You sank Dauntless Corsair's ship.

    see ? Small ships give pearls but its a " rare " reward m8.
  3. _bigmanrulez_

    _bigmanrulez_ Forum Greenhorn

    wait i wonder how u all are playing event when the server im on is currently not letting people on it as they log in or f5 kinda fishy
  4. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    Servers are restarting.. therefore...
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