Event rewards and crowns

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by USSChallenger1, Aug 20, 2017.

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  1. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    First off lets discuss the crowns. As it is important to gather crowns for the 21 and up maps and since it is a newer currency, BP should incorporate those crowns into the daily game play whether it be a reward in bonus maps, sinking Admirals or rewards for events that we all at one time or another partake in. Enough said on the crowns.

    The rewards for events for example, say that you sink a monster what's a reward most times? Hailstorms, why not put windstorms in the mix as well, during the MHH and HH these items are usually 48 pearls apiece, It's ridiculous to not have everything offered in the market available on the sea map during events and as specific end rewards for scrolls.
    Riker(NZL) likes this.
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Crowns are in every day play, once the player reaches level 21. Level 21 is not hard for anyone to reach if we are being perfectly honest, and as Crowns are being used as an incentive for players to level up, I am against the idea of placing them in scrolls and the low maps.

    In regards to getting Crowns from this event, I believe I was told you can in fact earn Crowns from these Event Quests, although there is a requirement of being level 25 I think?

    I do agree with your second section, the same items all the time are not helpful for most players, give us a bit of diversity.

  3. Horsens1

    Horsens1 Forum Greenhorn

    you have to be level 30 , for earni Crowns in one of the lats quests
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