expansion setup for super tanky ship

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Kzamanrazu, Jun 21, 2024.

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  1. Kzamanrazu

    Kzamanrazu Forum Greenhorn

    i got back to this game after 3 years now, been back back for 2 months. the ships im seeing take super low damage like if i hit npcs for 250k the player gets shot for under 70k?
    i tried using raven and plating but it doesnt work like that so please someone help and give me a explanation of how to use raven/plating/ribs better for taking low dmg in pvp
    dropedship likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Kzamanrazu!

    Dodge Chance is the main factor when it comes to lowering the damage received from opponents.

    You can improve your Dodge chance by some buffs, expansions, castles etc.

    Regarding the Ravens, everything depends on what ratio did you use, eg. 10 raven 10 ablative plating.

    You need to be aware that all expansions have two set of values Relative and Absolute.

    Relative - the more other items you mix in the lower % bonus received.
    Absolute - doesn't matter how many items you mix in.

    If you had 1 Raven that provide you with 20% dodge chance mixed with 1 rib that provide you with damage prevention your bonus would be just 10% dodge + 10% damage prevention.

    20% dodge chance / the amount of items (in this case 2) = 10%
    20% damage prevention / the amount of items (in this case 2) = 10%

    Could you provide more detail on what sort of ship extensions do you own (in total and currently on ship)?

    Kzamanrazu likes this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I will close this thread.


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