Explain to us the FAQ's for the Event

Discussion in 'Help' started by {CRIXUS}, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    When will the Ice Ammo melt?

    The Ice Ammo will melt on 6th February at 12 noon (CET). No other ammo will melt – only the Ice Ammo!

    What ammo can I craft and how?

    In the Ice Chamber (Trader Tab) you can craft Ice Ammo using Snow Ammo plus a little bit of gold. You can also simply buy the Ice Ammo in the Black Market for pearls if you do not have enough Snow Ammo left.

    In addition, it is also possible to craft Burning Ice Ammo using Ice Ammo and some pearls – however Burning Ice Ammo will not cause extra damage against the Event NPCs during the Winter’s Thaw Event since it is meant for PvP.

    It specifically states that Burning Ice ammo is meant for PvP, and NOT for Event NPCs. It does not state ANYWHERE that it could only be crafted during the event.

    Event is over, yet Iceballs still available for purchase in Black Market. Black Market still open, yet event is over. Why would we not expect the Ice Chamber to also still be open after the event is over to craft Burning Ice from any unused Iceballs during event? Your Failure to communicate this, or deliberate, intentional miscommunication, directly is meant to deceive us.

    To blatantly know this information and withhold it from players for what purpose? Why was it not communicated ? You have the ability to correct this in a sync, what purpose does it serve the players to fail to do so? Why are so many mods quick to close threads when they know they are in error? Multiple mods have shown that they knew this was the case, yet not a single one had the ethics or morals to notify the players. They decided to intentionally keep this from the players with the intention of ridding them of millions of pearls with the strike of a clock when all of it will 'melt'.
  2. JonnyFive

    JonnyFive Guest

    1st as far as I know when event ends Feb. 3rd noon(LST) ice chamber has always closed when event ends has always been that way. 2nd states ice ammo melts Feb. 6th (LST) and Black Market closes noon Feb., 5th (LST). So not sure why would you buy that much ice ammo when it's 2 to 1 convert 2 mil ice and 1 mil pearls to male 1 mil burning ice really. But unless getting for free what ever floats your boat. Shoot lots of scrolls or enemy then if not will melt away lmao.

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    curious how is it the mods problem you didnt read the faq on the event you bought the ammo the exchange rate was horrible so because you bought too much your madd??? come on step away from the computer take awalk and relaxe use that excess ammo on scrolls or marduks
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You have been informed that this ammo will melt on the 6th February. We have stated we will request the reopening of the ice chamber but it is not likely going to happen.

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