Facebook Connected Account Verification

Discussion in 'Help' started by DarkSouls, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. DarkSouls

    DarkSouls Forum Greenhorn

    My brother and I share a computer and he today he joked and said he had linked my account to his facebook so that he could access the account whenever he wants. How do I check if someone has connected their facebook to my account and how can I remove the link? Any help will be appreciated.
  2. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    You should go in Cabin -> Profile -> Account data -> and here u can to remove from FB ur acc , but u sf give you a link to E-mail and u have to click to this link

  3. DarkSouls

    DarkSouls Forum Greenhorn

    So its not possible to link the account without access to the email right? It's still under my email so im safe right?
  4. Contact support. They shall sort this for you. Please be sure to provide them with your acct. id, email, and any other info. that may be relevant. If your brother did somehow manage to connect your acct. to his fb, they can help you remove it.

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