Find the "intruder" (Mini Game)

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Rymar, Jun 17, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Find the "intruder" (Mini Game)

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Here is our mini game!

    Time: 16/06/23 – 18/06/23


    • Each row consists of elements of the game that have something in common, except one.
    • Find the intruder of each line.
    • The bonus code will be composed of the letters that identify the place of the 6 intruders.
    Try not to share the code once you find it!

    Good Luck and Have Fun!

    Your Seafight Team

    HALIMAW Forum Apprentice

    what the deuce!?! argh this one is pretty tough
  3. pwaalios

    pwaalios Advanced

    Can we ask for some type of further clue?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Check each row of "items" and find the one that do not match.

    In the first row you can see glitters... but are you sure that all of them are glitters? (got it? now to the next row!)

    Good luck!

  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I understood the game's logic and verified (almost) every image meticulously (I won't say how), but I still had 6 possible combinations. I tried them all, but none worked. So I guess this one has stumped me. It's a process of elimination, so I should have solved it. Would you be so kind Rymar as to post the correct solution at the end of this game (say 10 seconds before you close it out)? That way we will know the answer, and you will be saved from anyone arguing the answer with you. I would appreciate this gesture, as I always love to learn. Thanks for the challenge!

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Connoisseur

    Defiant , check seafight facebook . someone has put the answer there
  7. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    hmm, what if you have no fakebook? or better yet what if you have no digital lifestyle (i.e., fake life representation).

    HALIMAW Forum Apprentice

    wow and to think the bingo mini game was hard enough, this one takes the cake! I agree with capt. defiant, please post answer after game is ended, so we may learn how to better our mini game common sense. I just feel the answers are clear however i am not fully verse on the seafight bible and all its content. i'm sorry for my ignorance. thanks anyway!
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I am skilled with using the Seafight Bible (and more specifically - "The Index"). I use it constantly. I am surprised that my meticulous research using it did not yield the answer. (And thank you QUEENVIXEN for the tip, but I have no Facebook account. Can't open one either. I have tried for years to no avail. They seem to think my ID is fake...and it isn't. I've written them several times with no reply back). Shucks.
  10. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    I don't have an account either. All you have to do is click on the facebook icon at the bottom right corner of the seafight homepage and "X" out the log-in page and then scroll down to the mini-game replies and it's right there. I hope you find it.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I had no idea that you could access it that way. Well - now I know for the future! :) Thank you so much, mate! (And of course - I tried it just now and it EXPIRED within the last 90 minutes by my time...&%$#@!). But actually - that should not be the case! It is 6:23 p.m. CST my time, with current Server time being 4:23 p.m. I know Europe is 7 hours ahead right now. So it ISN'T MIDNIGHT yet! I wish these things ran one day longer. Pirate Bawdyn has come up against the time limitation a couple of occasions as well. Oh well...thank you again!

    Rymar: May I ask (for future reference) at what time does each Mini-game expire? As mentioned above, this game expired BEFORE Midnight both LST and European time today (Sunday), which seems wrong to me.

    And before you close this thread: Holy cow, Batman!! That "correct" code isn't right! I know from closely viewing the Seafight Bible Index that Row 5 is absolutely wrong. That "C" image is classified as currency in the Seafight Bible.

    Sorry - went to post the "proof" and forgot I can't edit here. I do thank you for these games. I appreciate the chance to win "free goodies" more than the frustration I feel right now that the code is incorrect this time.

    Last edited by moderator: Jun 19, 2023
  12. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    The code does work, even though it doesn't seem right to me either. I hope someone explains how each of the "intruders" is different than all the others. You're also right that the code should be good until midnight local time today.

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Connoisseur

    Cursed souls are classed as currency. But it is the only one in that row , that you only get on events , whilst the others are everyday.
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    @The*Defiant do not create post under post. Use reply option.

    Since the Mini Game is over here are the answers:

    1st row: Glitters, correct answer D - Gift was a collectable item not a glitter
    2nd row: Keys, correct answer F - all keys could be purchased for in-game currency, the last one only via payment
    3rd row: NPCs, correct answer A - A is the only "skin" used for Admiral NPC
    4th row: Monsters, correct answer B - all monsters appear in "blue" waters, the B one can be found in "green" waters
    5th row: Currency, correct answer C - all currencies can be obtained on regular basis, only C can be gained during events
    6th row: Chests, correct answer D - D is not a chest but Atlantean glitter

  15. ili03

    ili03 Forum Apprentice

    :):):pvery good, I lost
  16. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Thanks for the explanation.
  17. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    wow! okey dokey mr. pokey! Sorry Defiant but your not that seafight savvy after all... LOL!!
  18. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Perhaps. But I'm more savvy than you! <--(based on my overall knowledge of the game, versus yours).;)

    Excuse my lack of proper Forum etiquette:rolleyes: - you are joking, right? The error here is in Bigpoint's programming, and the inability to edit our posts here. If I could have edited, I would have.

    Thank you. An excellent differentiation!
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 19, 2023
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Thank you all for your feedback.


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