Freedom Ship Ammo

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Nov 17, 2017.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I always thought that Flare ammo was the one that gave more damage against the Freedom ship but I've not been noticing it myself. I see others shooting, what looks like flares, but are hitting 5-6 times the HP that I hit with. So, what is the correct ammo and if it is Flares, then why don't I get the etra damage?
  2. .∞MЄMPĦİ$∞.

    .∞MЄMPĦİ$∞. Forum Apprentice

    get doomhammers bro, also castles, skills and gems, they play a big game on damage u should check it out and get some if u dont have many.
    also hit probability does work on them too, commonwealth officer gives u hit probability against npcs not only the 30 canons slot u should have that one on ur crew before going out and shot freedoms
  3. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    Yes, flare ammo has been the standard ammo used in "Freedom" event and can be bought in the payment section. As Memphis stated in his post, having the aforementioned items will increase your hitting power. Do keep in mind however, players in the 21 and above maps have a distinctive advantage over the 20 and below map player and it's because we have extra cannons on board and most have anywhere from 300 plus to 400 plus, so what you might be seeing is a player with the extra cannon capacity shooting harder than you.
  4. Novan

    Novan Someday Author

    today will come freedom, but why in MHH no come flare, and until now i not see Happy Hour time
    why in this week no flare time in the market, and now freedom will come, why always money and money -_-:mad::mad:
  5. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    It is the way the game is now, it's not meant to be played without a little real money put into it. Shoot down some shipwrecks and collect the flares that way.
  6. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Not all items are in the Elite Market every MHH or HH. These items change time to time. As freedom events are very common, I personally would recommend you stock up on Flare ammunition when you can and save them for the next Freedom Event.

  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    As mentioned above, the cannon type and amount of cannons counts a lot to your damage. However, I notice you are level 19. This means that you are missing one crucial thing; a Commonwealth Sellsword. The New Freedom ships have a large amount of dodge chance, and for you to really maximise your profit a Sellsword is required for that extra NPC Hit Probability. You can get a sellsword by purchasing him with Crowns, or by levelling up to level 21 and capturing a couple of HRMS Warriors.

    I can say for certain, that the Event Ammo is Flares, and that you shall also be benefiting from the Extra Damage. However, due to the low amount of Hit Probability and the Freedoms high amount of Dodge, that would be why you believe you are not receiving the damage.

  8. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Always carry as large amount of Flares as you can reasonably afford. This is the preferred ammo of choice both in the Commonwealth Raid and Jolly Roger events on Freedoms etc, this will do more damage than standard Explosive ammunition.

    When using the appropriate Wildfire castle it provides extra bonus afterburn damage as well. I have carried up to 50 million of stock for a long time now, as this can help to see you through prolonged periods and hard times, when either the price of Flares is suddenly increased (like now) or when they are not offered for various other reasons.

    Plus as you get older your eyesight notices when you have fired a Flare, unlike the micro-dot that resembles a standard cannonball - lol :(
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
    .∞MЄMPĦİ$∞. likes this.
  9. Beorn

    Beorn User

    Hello Bawdyn

    Has your question been answered?
  10. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I'm used to seeing ships that hit for more than I do, maybe 50% more. On Freedoms I'm seeing ships hit 5-6 times more damage than I do. The additional cannons, castles, skills, etc explains the 'normal' difference I see in damage from these upper level ships. Can the Sellsword add enough additional hit probablility to make that much more difference? I already have 109% hit probablility, what does it need to be to overcome all of the Freedom ship's dodge?

    FYI, in other events when I use the appropriate ammo for extra damage for the event, the difference in what I hit compared to others is close to the 'normal' I mentioned above. This is even on event ships where I can tell they have dodge because I hit them harder with Hailstorms.

    As for the Sellsword, I thought that the Commonwealth Officers were only active in the 20+ maps? I can't find the info in the FAQ, I'm going from memory from when it was originally announced.

    EDIT: @Beorn, not quite yet.
  11. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Firstly, Commonwealth Officers and indeed any Commonwealth Item can now be used on all maps, including scrolls and raids. This change was announced in this patchday note:

    As for if the Sellsword will make that much of a difference, well, if I remember correctly these new Freedom NPCs have about 70% Dodge. If you have 109% Hit Probability, that means that after dodge you only actually have 39% Hit Probability. That is less than half the amount of damage you should be doing if all your cannons were to hit the target. If you compare your hits to other players, who you say already hit 50% harder than you, that means that your current hits, hitting only 39% of what they could, is only a fifth of those players are hitting.

    Depending on the level of the Sellsword, it will add 40, 50 or 60% NPC Hit Probability (even the level 1 will double the damage of your hits). Believe me, the Sellsword makes a huge difference ;)

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
    Bawdyn and Grand-mariner™ like this.
  12. Has your query been answered?
  13. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Thank you Arky for the additional information. I try to read all of the announcements, but I don't recall that one. I hadn't bothered to test up to Commonwealth because all of the features were for those maps only. Now that they are available in all maps I'll have to reconsider that plan. You have also explained the Sellsword/Dodge benefit and it does seem to account for the difference I see.


    Mods: Yes, I am now satisfied that my questions are answered and this post can be closed.
  14. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    @Grand-mariner™ 50 million Flares!!!! I don't think I've ever had/used that much ammo cumulatively in the 9 years I've been on SF. Wow!
  15. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    best to be prepared m8, you never know who might start a war on here. lol :)
  16. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    You couldn't lend me a few, could you? ...You'd never miss them. :D
  17. ~BlueFox~

    ~BlueFox~ User

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