gem crafting tools

Discussion in 'Help' started by dragon0760, Mar 7, 2015.

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  1. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    hi i understand that you are saying there is a display error when purchasing the pack, but can you explain which of these posts is actually the correct figures please,

    3 x Binding Crystal (+15%)
    6 x Stardust(+25%)
    9 x Monocular Loupe (+45%)
    12 x Lapidary Scalpel (+65%) posted by seren fri at 1.40pm

    3 x Fusing Crystals (+65%)
    6 x Stardust (+45%)
    9 x Monocular Loupe (+25%)
    12 x Lapidary Scalpel (+15%) posted by seren sat 8.15pm

    as you can see one has changed names and the %'s have reversed.

    i am assuming that this is not the visual error and is in fact a separate one.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    That is all the information I have

    3 x Binding Crystals (+65%)
    6 x Stardust (+45%)
    9 x Monocular Loupe (+25%)
    12 x Lapidary Scalpel (+15%) posted by seren sat 8.15pm

    I apologise for the inconvenience, but until further information issued I can not help further.
  3. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Best not to use these until they figure it out and publish a FAQ...
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This is why it has been placed requesting players not to use these crafting tools until we have further information.
  5. LordVoltiar

    LordVoltiar Forum Apprentice

    I find it quite strange that BP is selling something that players are being advised not to use. I guess it is ok to take the money but suggest that players not use what they have already paid for. It would have been better to take it down until BP figure out what they are really going to sell. Sounds like a typical bait and switch con. Sorry but I have to tell it like I see it, and yes I paid for this and received the do not use until BP gets back to me email from support.
  6. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    so i see that you have copied and edited my post to correct the changed name in your reply and edited the official announcement, o.k, will this offer now be put on for longer as no one wants to buy something they cannot use.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I have no further information to offer our players. I suggested not to use it if you are not happy with what you have received, as that is obviously what you should have got. The list is incorrect, and if you feel that you should have what was first listed, please do not use, as we could seek a refund.

    Obviously if you are as many one of the players that realise it is a display error and are quite happy with your purchase use the package and gain the advantages of the gem making tools.

    As there is nothing further that can be stated at this time, this post will be closed pending any update.

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