Gems and Elite skins

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~ssmmrr~, Sep 30, 2014.

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  1. ~ssmmrr~

    ~ssmmrr~ Forum Greenhorn

    Could someone please explain gems and elite skins?

    If I have a 13% cannon damage gem on the elite 27 skin, is that different than having a 13% cannon damage gem on the Imperial skin?
  2. F3V3R

    F3V3R Junior Expert

  3. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Your fellow pirate is correct.

    The bonus from the 27 elite is global amungst all designs. So if you wear the level 1 elite you will still sport the 3% given from your 25 and up elite. So if you put a 13% cannon damage gem on any design, you will infact have a 16% damage buff :)

    Does this help you?
  4. .-LoneWolf-.

    .-LoneWolf-. Forum Greenhorn

    yes that is helpful thank you. And on skins that say "Up to 16%" does that mean i cannot get any more damage from upgrading gem?
  5. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    If the max gem has a 16% value on it, then you won't be able to upgrade the gem any further hence you can't get a better value, but what ever the gem says e.g. 13% if you have 25 elite and above, add 3% onto that also :)

    As OP has not responded, I shall close.

    Last edited by moderator: Oct 17, 2014
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