
Discussion in 'Help' started by TãñK™, Oct 19, 2014.

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  1. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    I was wondering is there a limit on the lvls like if i take 4 15% damage gems will it make a 16% like will it go higher then a 15% ? just wondering couse iv never seen one. Is there a limit on any of them? i just dont want to try to make one and it not be posible and waist stuff
    id# 12244987
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The max level gem is level 15 which is known as an imaculate gem. At this current moment in time, this is the highest level a gem can get.

    For more information on gems, visit the seafight bible, by clicking here for the index, and here for the gems

    Does this help you? :)
  3. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    but what im asking is for a list of the highest lvl gems so i dont try to go over that like the highest you can go on harp gem and boarding gem and others
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    I don't understand, as stated The max level gem is level 15

    The list of gems and their levels are in the link I have given you. It's under gems highlighted in blue
  5. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    ok thank you this is very helpfull
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As the query has been answered, I will close this thread.

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