ginger bread

Discussion in 'Help' started by LilMonstah, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. LilMonstah

    LilMonstah Forum Apprentice

    i kill a lot of npc of the event but i dont receive nothing of gingerbread.. what happend? is a bug? i need the gingerbread for the piece for the skin... plz check that

    TEX~BULL User

    After checking the event is working as designed and the event NPCs are in fact giving out presents with gingerbrteadmen. Keep at it and good luck.
  3. LilMonstah

    LilMonstah Forum Apprentice

    ty m8 i a waiting or the window number 20 in the calendar for the last pieze ty for the support

    TEX~BULL User

    You are welcome mate.
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