Discussion in 'Help' started by sluminit, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. sluminit

    sluminit Forum Greenhorn

    it seems my glitter doubler isn't working very well because double nothing is still nothing and i am being patient and understanding but for 2 days the same old tripe,were are working hard to sort it but people want to know if were having these doublers replaced.
  2. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    ill second that , please compensate players for bigpoints mess up yet again. your dev team really need to stop breaking the things that work ok
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This has been answered many times, this matter is being looked into and will be resolved as soon as they can.

    Whilst we are aware of the doubler days not being available, at this time we have not heard of what is going to be done regarding this matter. As soon as we have any information it will be given to all players.

  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Please contact our Customer Care Team, stating you have the doubler this will be reviewed if you had during the two days of missing glitters this will be resolved.

    As you have been sent to support this post will be closed.

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