Got Rymar did open new thread can u hel me set up ship pve pvp

Discussion in 'New Pirate Tutorials' started by YOUNG(B)T*, Jun 19, 2024.

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  1. YOUNG(B)T*

    YOUNG(B)T* Forum Apprentice

    need help out with set up for ship pet pve pvp gems castles expression for bout set ups
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy YOUNG(B)T*!

    First of, what castles do you have right now? Could you share some information on that bit?

    This is my PvP preset within Castles that I am running with Ablative Platings + rep gem on ship:


    This is my PvE preset, used mainly for events:


    As you may notice there is not much of a difference but these two works perfectly for me.

    BuddhasRevenge likes this.
  3. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    wait, was not ablative for pve and one -eyed raven for pvp?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Maceel!

    Yea, however I personally prefer to play with 4.3 m HP which combined with rep gem + hourglass makes me almost unsinkable :D

    BuddhasRevenge likes this.
  5. YOUNG(B)T*

    YOUNG(B)T* Forum Apprentice

  6. YOUNG(B)T*

    YOUNG(B)T* Forum Apprentice

    these use for pvp

    castells use same u suggestion damage hit chance prevention special 5+ dame vs players expansion use al altive level 5 with one raven eye and pet chance hit but special gem for pet don t kwon what can use do u have suggestion Rymar

    have with green hit hp 3m.6k

    normal pvp hp have 1m.7k its good start
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 2, 2024
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    That mount of hit points sounds fine to me (-:

    Take a look here ->
