Group System

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Group System
    Starting a Group

    1. Scroll over the "Socials" icon.

    2. Click on the "Group" box in the drop-down menu. You will then see a "Group" box pop-up.

    group invite.png

    3. Copy and paste the players name within the information field that you wish to invite. Then click on the blue "Invite" button.

    group invite 2.png

    A group must have at least 2 members. A maximum of 5 is allowed (including the group leader).

    Any player within the group can invite other players to join, so long as the 5 player limit is not exceeded.

    Players are given the option of accepting or declining the invitations.

    An invitation lasts for 30 seconds. If the invitation duration elapses, a player can send a new invitation.

    The player’s name will always be at the top of the list, and the rest of the list will be determined by the order in which the players joined the group. The group leader will have a crown next to his/her name.

    Note: In the event that all the members of a group are sunk, the chat box will remain active.

    Leaving a Group

    There are 3 ways a player can leave a group:

    1. By logging out.

    2. If the group leader removes you.

    3. By clicking on the "kick" button, and then clicking your name.

    If all players decide to leave the group, the group will be deleted, and the chat box will close.


    A group member that isn’t on the same map when the rewards are collected will not receive any. The other group members will receive a greater portion of the rewards.

    Gold, Pearls and EP received from the monsters and NPCs will be equally distributed among the players (not including event ships).

    Rewards from glitters and shipwrecks will not be distributed.

    Group System Icons

    Block or allow invites of others players:

    block invite.png

    Kick member from the group:

    kick group.png

    Ping - Marks the position for your group members:

    ping player.png

    Promote the leadership to another player of the group:

    assign leader group.png

    Allows you to sail to another player of the group:

    sail to ggroup.png
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