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Discussion in 'Help' started by lellu85, Mar 3, 2018.

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  1. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    First: let some complain/asking thread to be open, we player need more information. And second, siren closed thread to early for me to give response, so here it is, with quote:

    yes, i collected 10 of them. Another quest seems to broken for me too. I took it from safe heaven 19 , it wanted me to find 5 treasure chest, which i did. I went to give it back to barnacle ballard 22 1 map, but it doesnt let me to collect reward.​

    Can you please provide me with the exact name of the Quests in question so that I can pass this on to be looked into?

    The quest was from ajax, 17/1 kerää 5 hylky, so i guess for translate its collect 5 shipwreck /like we spoke earlier) (i still dont understand why evrything needs to be translated, we cant soon understand anything, cos at least 2 language to translate our heads all the time :/)) Exact name is lahja! minulle! so in english i think it is preasant! For me! etc.pls pls pls dont translate every boat etc. And sorry, im not born in english language person :/
  2. Panthoneum

    Panthoneum Forum Apprentice

    Try refreshing the page or redoing the quests. I have had the same problem.
  3. Has this answered your query?
  4. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    what a load of garbage, tried reloading and refreshing, nothing happened, and I aint buying 5 more keys to continue the quest, either fix the program or delete the quest
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As previously stated, this has been forwarded to the developers. There will be no fix for this before Monday at the earliest.

    Seren GTL
  6. lonely_without_you

    lonely_without_you Someday Author

    This quest dont work ???? i finish this 3 times and nathing ,spend the time for nathing ...collect 5 chest and whot:: go balard and nathing
  7. as seren has just stated above the problem has been sent so my answer to this is do not do the quest untill it has been resoleved move on to another quest simple as that
  8. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Pay careful attention to who it says to return to for the reward in the quest description. I've seen several of these quests now where you return to a different Quest Giver than you got the quest from and if you go back to the original one it won't let you redeem it.
    Pagan_Spirit likes this.
  9. As this should be resolved by now this post will now be closed.

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