Guild islands

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Sep 3, 2024.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    I'm a little tired of shooting islands and that there is a focus on one side taking all the islands, and one also having to defend all the islands, incredibly boring. There is no fun in spending a whole day shooting back all the islands xD

    The whole point also falls away, with an alliance having all the islands. Then one side gets a little stronger and sits with the islands for several months and the server dies out.

    Or the fight to own the islands becomes so all-consuming that they don't care to fight, they just keep shoot cadocs, island is all there is , as long as they get the island x)

    I think a good way to solve this is to set the max limit per alliance, example 60, that way it will stop an alliance having 73 islands, the 3rd alliance comes more into the picture, it creates more real wars than this "shoot and run and dont shoot the opponents, or we shoot the islands at night when there is least activity"