Announcement Guild Packages Sale

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Rymar, Jul 5, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Guild Packages Sale

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We will be holding a Guild Package Sale starting
    Today, 5th July at 12 noon (local server time) until Monday, 15th July at 12 noon (local server time).


    You will find four packages in the Shop, which when purchased grant your guild a specific number of Points towards the Guild Milestones.

    • Pitchside Plunder = 5 Points
    • Football Fever Fortune = 10 Points
    • Victory Vault = 15 Points
    • Championship Glory Chest = 20 Points
    Milestone rewards contribution points required are counted as the sum of contribution points from all guild members who have purchased eligible packages, including guild members who contributed and left the guild.

    Milestone rewards are only given out to guild members, who have purchased at least one eligible package with guild contribution points, at the end of the special availability period.

    Players only receive milestone rewards from the last guild where they have purchased eligible packages and contributed to the guild contribution points, even if they are no longer in the guild when the rewards are given out.

    You can view the Milestone rewards in the "Special" tab located within your Guild Window.

    So, gather your guild and purchase packages to hit the milestone goals.

    The more packages bought, the closer you get to amazing rewards for everyone in your guild!

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow stronger, together.

    Your Seafight Team