Guild Towers and Fleets - Open Beta

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Apr 9, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Guild Towers and Fleets - Open Beta

    Ahoy, fellow pirates!

    We’ve heard your feedback regarding Guild Islands and Guild Fleets, especially the impact this is having on the smaller players – which this update is primarily focussed on.

    Therefore, we are introducing a change into how Guild Towers work along with where you can hire a Mercenary Fleet, with information on these changes being shown below.

    Guild Relations:

    The fourth Guild Relation will now be known as the “War” guild relation.

    Any guild which is assigned this relation is considered at war with your guild, which is vital for the defense of your members and guild islands.

    You will easily be able to distinguish this relation with the skull icon on top of the relation color in the window you select a guilds relation.

    Guild Towers:

    Guild Towers no longer unguilded or players in a neutral guild, so small players no longer get sunk from a Tower outside of their view range!

    That is of course, unless the player is in a Guild that is set as ‘War’.

    Towers will immediately attack any player which has this relation.

    As well as the ‘War’ relation, Towers will also attack any user that is attacking/being attacked by a Guild Member or Guild Alliance Member; provided that they are not in an ally guild.

    Towers will never attack a Guild that is an ally, except if the user has inflicted damage on the Guild Tower.

    Mercenary Fleet:

    You can now send a defensive fleet to another guilds island who is an Ally of your own guild!

    Fleets will also only attack players who are at ‘War’, those who have attacked them, or a neutral player which is attacking/being attacked by an ally.

    Fleet Giver:

    In order to allow smaller players to access the quest giver while others are fighting at the fleet giver, we have decided to separate both of these.

    The Quests will remain in 24/1, whereas the location in which you can hire a fleet has been moved to the 22/2 map.

    To make this a bit more dynamic, this quest giver will now sail around the map randomly – including near the island.

    This is just one step of many we are taking to try to create a better gaming environment for all users.

    We hope that with these updates this will improve the experience for many while still allowing the benefits of Guild Islands and provide the enjoyment for PvP.

    We shall be having future adjustments for balancing and PvP balancing at a later date too.

    Please let us know your feedback, and suggestions for future improvements in the
    discussion thread provided!

    Your Seafight Team