Guild War Event

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by A-R-K-Y, May 9, 2017.

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Do you like this idea? (Please explain why in a post regardless of your answer)

  1. Yes - I like this

  2. Maybe - With some changes

  3. No - I don't like it

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  1. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Oh, be quiet, you. Lol. :)

    Thanks for answering, m8.:)

    This has to be your Magnum Opus, at present, for ideas you have submitted.

    I back this up 100%. I don't necessarily like every aspect (Battle Ratios, Players escaping to Higher Maps), but this is YOUR project. I will not attempt to tell you how to design it. I will also be the last player to criticize this. And I will still participate in it, and have a lot of fun, regardless.

    Will be glad to take a look at the other project you have. Will try to help/troubleshoot, if I can. ;)

    Good luck with this, m8.
  2. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    ARKY is normally full of rather poor ideas so he had already set the bar pretty low for himself ;)
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Thank you for your kind words michael.

    "A camel is a horse designed by committee". :p

    I know it may seem like I just dismiss some ideas, but I have a specific vision from this event, a set of goals I believe it achieves, so that is why I am so reluctant to change parts of it which I feel my impact on the goals. I still feel it would be a good event for everyone involved :)

    Glad you will look at my other ideas, I shall post them shortly :)

    Well the amount I have written achieves the goal of explaining my goals from this event, and making them easily readable for others to see. I am also responding to each one of his questions he has asked me, and I believe that each and every person deserves a valid, full response, even you.

    I regret that you do not like some of my other ideas, I myself thought that they were of a good caliber and very beneficial towards the players, such as the Monthly Login Bonus. Alas, I am glad that I won your approval of this idea, and hopefully you shall like my next two ideas I shall post when this one has died down a bit.

  4. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Well played
  5. DIAL-911

    DIAL-911 Forum Apprentice

    well ARKY let me just say life is way too short to read all that please explain your ideas in 100 characters or less but if you think its a good idea im good with it
    Destruction likes this.
  6. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Yes Dial! Life is way too m************ short!
  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    3days everyone in guild sinks players of close level/bp points get added up more points more rewards

    100 Characters exactly, although you should really read the full post to completely understand it ;)

  8. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

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