Gun Powder

Discussion in 'Help' started by Misstress, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice


    When I attack the enemy, my gun powders do not work. They work for NPC's, but not while actually hitting other players. Could you fix this, please?

    Thanks for your help.
  2. kevin119988

    kevin119988 Forum Demigod

    Maybe your enemy have Abilities that lessen your damage (pet with upgrade or abilities, castle Adamantine hull, Agwe's plates of armor or design).

    NPC don't have this bonus.
  3. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    at a level 20/27, I use the strongest pet/abilities, and am full 'everything', a seasoned player, etc.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Other players can have designs, skills, castles, pets etc.... that lessen the damage they take. It can severely cut back how much damage you're doing to them.
  5. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    but I have those designs, skills, castles, pets, etc.
  6. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    What he means, is that some players can make your hits seem severaly weaker depending on their skills/pets, and etc.

    Such as the jotnar pet with 15% defensive pet food, can make your hits 30% weaker
  7. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    On additional thought, your own skills/castles could also be the problem if you switched them
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Has this now fully answered your question?
  9. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

    well.... I am full skills, full castles, big pet, etc, so I still don't get it and don't understand when shooting someone with burning ice, that they can still move and hit back? Oh well.
  10. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    That seems to be a glitch. as for hitting back, they can always hit back since the burning ice doesn't stop your enemy from shooting once he is frozen.
  11. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Fully answered.

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