Gunpowder Flask

Discussion in 'Help' started by LarryMossFBI, Jan 28, 2015.

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  1. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    Does gunpowder flask only work when you are using black gunpowders? or does it work all the time?...

    Can i have a confirmation from a mod or... Other people r telling me that its only when using black gunpowders but I have tested it and it seems as though it works without black gunpowders...
  2. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    It does work without black gunpowders, being just another damage bonus on its own. :)
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    The Gunpowder Flask only works when you have powders enabled. When powders are enabled the gunpowder flask works like a normal damage buff along side the powder's accuracy buff.
  4. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    Nimitz, isn't OP referring to the castle?
    FlynteLocke likes this.
  5. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    Explosive Alchemy is a skill that works in conjunction with Black powder, but it has been my understanding that Gunpowder Flask, the Topcastle ability, is always active if it is activated. I don't have it to say for absolute certain, but I would have thought.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    WakaLaka is correct, I misread the buff title when I was replying, sorry about that ;) As for the gunpowder flask, yes it is a totally separate buff and works on its own independent of the black powders.
  7. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    Hi Nimitz, lol at the fact that you've replied 1 minute ago, because I've just logged on, hehe. Errrm, That's making a lot more sense, so thanks Nimitz and everyone else;) I was deciding whether to get my astrolabe 1st or gunpowder flask... What would you do?
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Haha :) burning the late night oil! It depends on what you are looking for. Astrolabe effects only your accuracy and the Gunpowder Flask effects only cannon bonus damage. So, it depends on what you are looking for on your ship. In the next couple weeks, a damage estimator will be posted on the which we have coded for you guys and gals to use to test and estimate what your damage will be. Watch for that being posted, it could be useful for this :)
  9. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    larry, when castles first appeared the gunpowder flask used to work in conjunction with black gunpowder and would only have an effect if your powders were switched on, this at some point has been altered as the wording for the castle extra has been changed to 'increase your cannon damage' as opposed to what it used to say 'increases your black gunpowder damage' , therefore yes, it seems to now work regardless of weather your powders are on or off, this may be where the confusion lies mate
    WakaLaka and -tigz- like this.
  10. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Has this now helped in your quest to solve your query.
  11. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    Yeah ;(... Ty Nimitz, I've upgraded my gunpowder flask to lvl 3 and astrolabe to lvl 2... And i get what ya mean CD:)..

    Also, @crazy-diamond 1v1 me:))

    You can close...
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2015
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    *rise* Forum Overlooker

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