Bug Gunpowder Rush and Golden Stag shark

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Azzuuraa, Jul 17, 2024.

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  1. Azzuuraa

    Azzuuraa Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i've saw some problems with the captain ability Gunpowder Rush where at the end of the boost of speed, the animation of the explosion is seen but the damage sometimes dosn't appear, like it show the big red circle but i don't take damage or any of the npc beside me

    I have saw a strange bug with the shark that make you stop while attacking the golden stag, i have seen that it dsnt make spawn just one shark but at least 50 of them


    Thank you for the answer
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Azzuuraa!

    We have reviewed this manoeuvre and found no issue at all.

    Are you able to provide a bit more details - for example in form of a video?

    That's lots of sharks! I will have to test that one myself later - did you just hit golden stag and multiple of sharks appeared?

  3. Azzuuraa

    Azzuuraa Forum Greenhorn

    I will try to make a video with my phone cause my pc cant handle anymore OBS to make videos
    Yes, i've just hit the golden stag and when the turtle spawns, the shark start to spawn and for me theire was 100 who spawn, each time the first one goes under water, another one spawns, but it look like it was only for me and it was on each map at the same location, and where do i put the video ? under the next message ?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I attempted to replicate your "shark issue" but without luck, it seems that it could be a visual issue only on your end.

    You can either upload video to youtube or contact Support providing them with a short video + link to this thread.

  5. Azzuuraa

    Azzuuraa Forum Greenhorn

    So i don't have to send anything here ? i just have to make the video and send it to support ?

    And strange cause for me it was the first time i've tried to kill it and it made that visual bug
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Completely your choice, you can either send it here so I will forward it (if this is an actual bug) or go straight to Support.

  7. Azzuuraa

    Azzuuraa Forum Greenhorn

    Here is the video of the bug i sometimes have with the captain ability, its not always the case but sometimes it dsnt do any damage
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Azzuuraa!

    Thank you.

  9. Azzuuraa

    Azzuuraa Forum Greenhorn

    No problem, its not e very big problem but yeah, sometimes i wanted to do dmg with it and when i've saw it dealt 0, i was wondering if it was normal or not and since i was banned from chat i couldnt ask, i called the support first but they said like you, it worked all the times, but thanks to see the problem
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    For now this thread will be closed.

    I will try to replicate this issue and forward your video to be reviewed.


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