Hero Points

Discussion in 'Help' started by Tåløи, Oct 15, 2017.

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  1. Tåløи

    Tåløи Forum Greenhorn

    I'm just wondering what exactly Hero Points are and If they're actually used for something?
    2017-10-15 03:00:29
    You received 46413334 hero points.
    I get them after every league ends but have never seen anywhere to use them or if they actually matter.
  2. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    me too
    2017-10-15 12:00:16
    You received 402943842 hero points.
    but is the exact amoun of ELP that i made on the last league so is just to show you how much you make or sth like that
  3. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    Hero points dont have a role to play.... just yet.

    They are for something in the game to be brought out later.
    We were never told for what we could use them for or of how they were to be used.

    Just another "dead-end feature" that went no where, that would make more sense if removed from the system.

    It makes sense to me that tracking and keeping track of "dead-end features" to be a waste of time and
    resources that could better used to allow a more stable game play.
  4. Has this answered your query?
  5. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    I always assumed they were a reward for customers whom had shown devotion above and beyond the call of normal duty. Or by providing more than deserved loyalty, longevity of service and custom to Bigpoint.o_O

    Let's face it, we mugs are their real life Hero's!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
    Deathless-007 likes this.
  6. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    Wasnt that the point to the" Top Gamers Club" ??
    Granted the rewrds werent breath taking spectacular, but I liked being a part of it.
    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Have you any further queries Tåløи?
  8. Tåløи

    Tåløи Forum Greenhorn

    Is BP going to include them in anything ever though? They've been given for a while I still don't see the purpose in them.
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    At this time we do not have any further information on this aspect.
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