hit 850k

Discussion in 'Help' started by *Ronaldeninge*, Nov 25, 2023.

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  1. *Ronaldeninge*

    *Ronaldeninge* Forum Apprentice


    How is that possible.
    I see manny players hit on npc more than 850k
    shadowsvp likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *Ronaldeninge*!

    Please be aware that due to recent Sigma Sale players now have 15% more weapon slots without activating the Lamp action item making it around 740 - 760 cannons on average boat - note that this amount can be still increased.

    Players who have decent cannons and presets can achieve such damage quite easily.

  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As there is no further response from the OP I shall close this thread.


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