How can I get these?

Discussion in 'Help' started by www, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    Well, now that we will be able to sail with our most loved skins, I would really like to get some nice skins to spread the terror with style. Is there any possibility to get the following designs?

    I really want Anemoi >.< (The others are coll too).

    ANTHONYGALLOWAY Forum Inhabitant

    that design was out of the chalice i think, so only 15 per server. so that would be a no i'm afraid onless they bring it out in boker's again which i highly doubt.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  3. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    Well, as far as I know, they brought out the Skullbasher in Bokors twice as well as design or two others.
  4. I don't think they'd repeat chalice designs that are outdated.
    ANTHONYGALLOWAY likes this.
  5. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    So I have to say bye to Anemoi :(? What about pirate king and rosty pearl? I like those, but they are very old. I would love to hit the seas with one of those WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT.

    They can give the skin with updated gems.

    ANTHONYGALLOWAY Forum Inhabitant

    those ships were part of old old old old events, the skins are collectables now lol. be lucky to see the skin up for grabs again
    www likes this.
  7. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Your suggestions would be better served in the Ideas thread as that is where the development team is more likely to see it.

    As your original question is answered, I will close.

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