how many pearls do you need to become full pearl now

Discussion in 'Help' started by -warpigs-, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. -warpigs-

    -warpigs- Someday Author

    can big point think, from decks to castles to skills and to all cannons the best and to up grade them, to become a full pearl ship , how much do you have to spend and how long if you did this in game by shooting ships for pearls , how long it would take you, and how much money do you have to spend to become full pearl , they are not even thinking , they make more stuff but the pay out is the same as it was 5 years ago, this game is not staying up with its own improvements , and then you see all the cheats in the game, , i might say stuff about them , but why dont you add up what it takes to become full pearls now, there are many question in this,
  2. .Krazieclown.

    .Krazieclown. Forum Apprentice

    well seeing as its what about 40k crystals from 50-60 skill points and that's just a estimate < does not know the actually figure but that is 12320000 pearls just the last 10 skills now the first 50 is 10754436 which brings the total to 23,074,436 now on a mega you can now get what 750000 pearls for 200 x 3 is 2,250,000 rough estimate there is around 2,200 dollars now castles are a diff story I know have the price for the old 6 castles at lvl 5 the voodoo alone to lvl 5 would be 2026947 6 other castles to lvl 5 would be 4728894 now remember im missing 3 castles so do not have the price for them and these are only lvl 5 so have one more lvl to go at a price of roughly 600 on a mega which brings the tab to 2,800 now decks comes up to 1,267,000
    cannons to go on them ships I would suggest the admirals sinse hollows will give you elp so in the end your elp will atleast be free if you take in the castle decks/voodoo/ivory/ebony/queens legacy your ship can now contain 257 cannons total so at 10k pearls a piece comes up to 2,570,000 with the decks up to 3,837,000 rackin up another 400 so now the total is 3,200 now theres a lot more you can also get like elite ammo skyfires lights amulets everything so im gonna estimate about 4,000 into a ship hence you need 3 more castles and to lvl the rest up to lvl 6 and accessories is a nice lil bit of change to be putting into a ship
    ~Blaid~ likes this.
  3. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    Along with all the money for ammo, the chalice and premium, you could easily hit over $5000 on an account.
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  4. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    Thats why I only play for free. to be full pearl isn't all that its cracked up to be. To be honest, you are better off just prioritizing what exactly you want to be able to do. I know that I will never open some castles because I don't need them. That will save me a few mill pearls. As for Bokors, its just some ammo, some designs and a few other things. Personally, I'm quite happy with just addy cannon and a good design and reloader.
    Wølƒunbannedforever likes this.
  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Okay Pig! I calculated using my latest "Seafight algorithm" and it comes to 100 Billion Pearls or the price of a 2014 Porsche, a House owned by Michael Jordan, winning the Powerball (twice), and a trip to Outer Space via Virgin Airlines (and counting)! Okay just joking, but who knows? A ton of cash I would bet!
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  6. -ironvet2566-

    -ironvet2566- Forum Greenhorn

    Ahoy m8

    As you stated there are many questions and variables that can go into the cost. As some of your players have provide a answer has your question been answered?
  7. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    I know I have enough into my boat that I could buy a good used vehicle. I'm nowhere near as strong as the gold medallion boats. Seafight needs to get away from the arms race and get back to its roots as a community where folks got together to stack battle and have some fun.

    TEX~BULL User

    This is better suited to the Speakers area as it is subjective so I will request thast you restart it there and I will close now.

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