hp when sunk

Discussion in 'Help' started by yurisanwakid, Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. yurisanwakid

    yurisanwakid Someday Author

    when i get sunk shouldn't i respawn with 10% hp because i have 105 k hp and i respawn with 1 k hp?
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Can you tell me if you are clicking to go straight back onto the water or are you going via the shipyard?
  3. yurisanwakid

    yurisanwakid Someday Author

    straight back into the water
  4. Wira

    Wira Someday Author

    do you have premium yurisanwakid ?
    if you dont have premium you will have 1k hp if you get sunk.
  5. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    The new system if not prem. respawn 1k hp if prem. 10% of base with 1k as min. so yes should have respawned with 1k if hp was 105k base.
  6. *Spirit_of_Death*

    *Spirit_of_Death* Junior Expert

    If you have premium you respawn with 10 % of base HP(500 000*0.1= 50 000).
    If you haven't premium you respawn with 1 k hp.
  7. Wira

    Wira Someday Author

    yeah it is true, if not have premium will only have 1k HP, but if premium get 10% from how much total of ur HP :)

    TEX~BULL User

    This is not a discussion thread. Please refrain from discussiong the issue and allow the OP to answer us. Thank you.
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