Bug HRMA Fencer one-shot me, is this a bug?

Discussion in 'Help' started by old_chocoflakez, Sep 29, 2023.

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  1. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    I have been wondering because this doesn't seem legit at all.

    So, what's been happening is that sometimes, randomly (or at least it seems), I go from 100% to 0% HP when being shot by a group of HRMA Fencers.
    This should not happen as I have enough damage prevention to be taking 0 damage hit by the NPC's "normal hits". And what happens is, I am shooting a group of fencers, after shooting down a Triumph NPC, which takes a while of course, and ti spawns all the Fencers, shooting me, while I am taking no damage, and from one moment to another I just get instantly one shot.
    The killer shows up as "Area of effect".

    I don't quite understand if this is something that happens just with Fencers or not. Neither if it a bug or not. It has happenned to me a several times in the past few days.

    I will add example of what shows up on Log book as a reply to the thread.

    Best regards,
  2. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    Example of what shows up in the logbook from last night, and today:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Xennonn

    Xennonn Junior Expert

    that is tortuga effect not fencer
  4. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    Can you explain what you mean?
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Your fellow pirate is correct.

    The entry from your logbook (You were sunk by Area Effect) indicate that your ship exploded after the light of tortuga reached its limit.

    In short, the Light of Tortuga increase your hitpoints, damage, speed and hit probability depending on which stage of the item you are currently at.

    When receiving damage (hit by npc / player / towers) your light will "charge", and once it is on 100% your "Light Stage" will change.

    There are 4 stages on the Light of Tortuga:

    Stage 1: In this stage the LoT will provide you with additional 1 000 000 Hitpoints
    Stage 2: In this stage the LoT will provide you with additional 750 000 Hitpoints, 10% Hit Probability, +10 Speed and -25% Dodge Chance
    Stage 3: In this stage the LoT will provide you with additional 500 000 Hitpoints, 25% Hit Probability, +20 Speed and -50% Dodge Chance
    Stage 4: Once this stage is reached your ship will explode

    So as you can see the further stages you reach the lower benefits your ship receive, once stage 4 is reached your ship will simply explode.

    If you would like to avoid explosion, or "switch" your Stage back to 1 you must activate a brand new Light of Tortuga.

    Does that answer your query?

    old_chocoflakez likes this.
  6. s1ngle.gr

    s1ngle.gr Forum Apprentice

    nice buff, maybe put this in minigame next week :D
    old_chocoflakez likes this.
  7. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice


    Thank you both for answering it. I was not aware of that.
    I will remember not bo use tortuga when shooting 50 Fencers, ahaha :)

    Best regards,
    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    As OP is happy with the response I shall now close.


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