I Cant Board

Discussion in 'Help' started by -.Giri.-, Sep 1, 2017.

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  1. -.Giri.-

    -.Giri.- Forum Greenhorn

    Always have the life that has me this appears to me


  2. -.Giri.-

    -.Giri.- Forum Greenhorn

  3. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    hi m8,
    make sure u have elite captain equipped on ur ship and pirates + equipment on.
  4. Deloops

    Deloops User

    Hey there -.Giri.-,

    before boarding a NPC, you have to equip a commander.



    You can choose between level 1 and level 2 Commander.
    To equip the commander you desire, you click on it.

    *Level 1 Commander:
    Boarding threshold: +25 (meaning, you can now board NPCs that have 25% of their total HP, or less)
    Crew slots: 10

    *Level 2 Commander:
    Boarding threshold: +50 (meaning, you can now board NPCs that have 50% of their total HP, or less)
    Crew slots: +20

    if you do not have any of the commanders, you can get them here:


    I hope this helps.

  5. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    If the player did not have a Commander the player would not have been able to even press the board button, meaning the player would not have received the pop up shown in the image in the 2nd post.
    Hello mate, the problem is that the game lets you attempt to board a ship when it has 51% or less HP, however you will only be able to board it when it has 50% or less! What that means is that if you try to board the ship while it has between 50% and 51% HP you will get the error message:
    "The enemy needs to be further weakened before you can board him"​

    Which can be seen in the picture you posted.

    The only thing you can do is to wait until it has less than 50% HP before attempting to board the ship, then you will not get that error message.

    Destruction likes this.
  6. Has this answered your query?
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