Announcement Ice In The Sunshine

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Rymar, Jul 6, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ice in the Sunshine!

    With the eruption of Vashtak Island, Eona Norling and Sigurd Lundgren have sailed from the frozen wastes to cool things down.


    Help them battle the imbalance of nature and make sure they are not blamed for the coming war.

    Please take time out to read our
    FAQ's, and to leave your thoughts and comments in the discussion thread provided.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We deeply regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing an issue with the Ice Volcano, preventing it from starting as intended. Rest assured, our team is actively working on resolving this issue and we will make every effort to initiate the volcano as soon as possible. However, while we work on the solution, we have made the difficult decision to deactivate the Ice Volcano temporarily.

    We understand the disappointment and frustration this may cause, especially if you were eagerly anticipating the opportunity to quell the volcano. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused by this situation.

    Your Seafight Team