Ideas for relaunching the game

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Alvaro*, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. Alvaro*

    Alvaro* Forum Apprentice

    1. A new server merger would be interesting. Or from time to time to change the servers of each megaserver.
    2. Instead of Bigpoint creating new, very expensive updates, they should put all that effort into attracting newbies to the game. From year to year the game has fewer and fewer players.
    3. This game needs to be simplified because it is too complex even for experienced players. Simplify the game and remove some of your items.
    4. Stop the time-wasting events, for example the event that will start on Thursday. Streamline events by selling ships with good jewelry and selling new cannons (hammer, devastating) instead of the old cannons (caliber 55 and 60).
    5. Stop with the vicious cycle of the game because we players like stability. For example stop increasing the levels of jewelry, the levels of the refining of the cannons. Make the buffs permanent, the lives of the bonus maps and so on. We players when we play want to have fun fighting, we do not want to make it a job to hunt rewards.
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