Support Impossible Crit damage

Discussion in 'Help' started by AIRTEC, Apr 29, 2021.

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    AIRTEC Regular

    so this is been a topic in discord and all over game chat now im wondering if an admin can shed some light on this or someone who has more game knowledge than me, how is it physically possible to be running around with 144% crit damage ingame without running a crit gem. there are a few players that have roughly 25% more crit damage than others, now im close enough to running full world 5 and with sellsword 4 dragon powder and skills set for crit damage im hitting around 120% is there something obvious im missing from my setting to reach this extra 25%

    45% from world 5
    20% always effective
    15% dragon powder
    25% sellsword 4
    10% military expert
    7% trainer lvl 4

    this being 122% so wheres the extra 20% coming from as these players arent running lanterns as there damage prevention would be way down however they stay around 85% damage prevention and 90% dodge this meaning they are running ribs and ravens...

    can someone shed some light on this situation?
  2. Max cannon space? From all buffs? Rift+League+The Lamp + all ther buffs? Or they have a mix setup in cannons with few Devastors?

    AIRTEC Regular

    If you add in rift and league wouldn’t make a difference because would still be 45% and I don’t think they are adding devs because these are players hitting 300k Crits also defo not lamp because they fight quest giver with mirage
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The values for various stats on an account depends on many different variables; gems, configuration, cannons, skills, trophies, buffs, and castles to name but a few.

    It is for that reason that is many various setups can result in different stats. My recommendation would be try various setups for yourself, what you are using as a setup does not mean others are using also.

    As you believe this amount of Critical Damage is impossible, I recommend you email Support for them to investigate the user and place your worries at ease.

    As you have been redirected to Support, I shall now close this thread.

    Happy Sailing!

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