improvement list honest players vs botters...

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Oct 28, 2023.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    If permanently banning everyone is "not possible" ( wouldnt be profit for Bigpoint to do) then I think the time has come to make it more benefit not use bot vs using 3rd part program. Because how it is now, being honest player is just make us keep our diginity and honor, while botters lay 3 steps infront of us.

    What that need change:

    1. VERY IMPORTAIN: Give us long distance back as in old days ( good fighters will then beat autotargets cheaters even if the program also will fallow....)

    2.For name of god, bring back so we dont lose target after get sunk / or change map, u do know autotarget is one of main problem with war bot is that they have automatic target on us right? on top of they automatic target us but also automatic shoot their target ?????? and how fair do u think its we honest players get delay were the mupps instant target us???

    3.Fix your healing, cool down isnt help us against AT.....

    4.Remove fleetgiver, for real, it destroy the game, it remove the charm of an good old island war when these endless fleet comes and 30 autotarget ships come target u in blink of an eye, not even the best fighters can stand up against that combination.....

    5. put on all npc ( beside admirals) that the once shoot at it first is the once get the reward no matter what, this prevent bot can turn on also shoot half shoot npc and honest players can get actually beat bot this way, human hand is always more effectiv regardless...

    6.remove cooldown on teleport, no cooldown will benefit to can both teleport to a map with events as the bot also automatic teleport after were event spawn.....

    7. remove items that cost money from chest, yes ya will hate me for this one but pay to win are better than cheat to win, i dont think its fair those that lay 50 euro is paying and the muppets put bot go work and get same for free.....
    The*Defiant, m0zilla, -PUSAT- and 3 others like this.
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    1. Do you mean the old 55's type of mechanic? IE, First shot is at a shorter range than the 2+ shots. If so, then this could be a good idea.

    2. +1 Yes, what a PITA it is to lose the target when the AT does not.

    3. +1 Both the 'delay after shooting/being shot' for HP and the 8s of sitting around to get any VP healing.

    4. +1 Or at least create more of them, like one per major region (base 5-20, Commonwealth, etc).

    5. I'm not sure this would work unless there is also a reset of it after a period on no shots on it. Otherwise, there could be a whole bunch of partly shot NCP floating around that nobody can shoot.

    6. +1 This would even the playing field a bit for the event admirals.

    7. I don't agree with this one. There are already a lot of items that are impossible to get for free (no real $) for the free players that this game is supposed to support. I understand the problem, but I don't agree with this solution.

    Overall, a lot of good ideas here.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  3. minesleeper

    minesleeper Junior Expert

    1- most awful suggestion, it was this that helped ruin the game. ship A shoots ship B, B always loses as could never get in range to shoot ship A.

    5- 'human hand is always more effectiv regardless' I would like to see a human hand activate snowman candles bloodlust and swifstones continuously for hours at a time without error.

    7- ' i dont think its fair those that lay 50 euro' who are playing against ships that only pay 10 Euro thats the part that isn't fair!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    If you are a good fighter u would know how to use long distance and map change...... if u cant fight good both places u would wanna benefit the one u are best in. A person horrible map change isnt go war with one who know his stuff, also one good with long distance would want drag them middel of map, with autotarget and autoshoot back skills lose it value, one is playing with a handicap while those with AT is have their own hand and a program for "win" for em. Because they see it as why shouldnt i, most use anyway so its my AT vs their AT, but for us honest who dont use it, we see just bunch of clowns and how low can u really go ^^

    BP cant fix it, they promised over a year, we will ban more, we will be harder, bla bla bla, so lets change what can be possible, to benefit honest players as in my ideas :)
    sail-ing, The*Defiant and -PUSAT- like this.
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