In Game vs Forum

Discussion in 'Help' started by Aegis_Victory, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    Hello, this is a question directed towards the forum mod team concerning what bigpoint's ruling is towards in-game drama washing up on the forum. There was a rather heated issue in which half of the players broke off from the biggest guild on the US west server, and it seems like some of them are intent on carrying the drama onto the forum. [Edit]
    If there is no disrespect or faulty information found in a reply to a fellow player(Since this is the forum, where players are free to help answer and reply to any post made), Is there any valid reason why the OP can report the post if that is the case? Also another question, what would happen if the OP edits a post in a way that deliberately tries to get the helpful player infracted for fault information/ off topic? I am curious since i do like to help people, yet some players can't seem to keep in game drama separate from the forum and squeal about not being their "job" to help others
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 15, 2014
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Hi Aegis

    I'll try and answer your questions.

    Regardless of player or their guild, if they come on to the forum, are polite and helpful there is no issue. If a player then reports them, no action will be taken against them as there is no fault.

    If they come on to the forum and are insulting or argumentative warnings points will be given, when these accumulate to a certain number the player loses posting rights for a set amount of time depending on how many points have been gained.

    If an OP changes his post to make it appear that a responder has gone off topic, the OP can receive warning points. The team can see every action taken on the forum, each post creates it's own history which can be read by the team.

    I have to say however it's not necessarily something we would check every post for, as we just do not have the time, however if you feel someone or something should be looked into I would suggest asking a moderator to check a thread.

    Players should not call anyone out specifically on an open forum however. The link to the post would be enough that we would check it out.

    Abusive behavior will not be tolerated, nor will underhand tactics.

    Has this helped to answer your questions.
  3. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    Thank you Shiver it has indeed. Thought best to error on the side of caution and ask since there was no answers on either here, or the old forum which is still linked in game. You may close :)
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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