info needed

Discussion in 'Help' started by GPMONSTER, Jul 30, 2014.

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    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    ok as per requested i have opened a link irate and have had a mod close the thread i am quiet frankly irritated b y the pure disregard of the mod team to not answer the question in the link so im reposting requesting an answer please

    original post :hey mods so when the official lies announcement comming soon regarding all the ep stolen rankings have changed i see selected individuals had ep stolen from them but yet others who did the same thing are still there didnt lose one thing so lets see what mod will give me a real answer or just another copy paste response

    again my question is when will there be an actual announcement of the truth basically calling players cheats taking earned rewards while others who competed in the same thing are left with there rewards then to look in my log book and see 1mill rep ammo and 100k ice ammo for taking 600 million+ ep id like a little common respect with maybe an answer you say treat mods with respect well that goes both ways answer a question ??? they dont even state reason but stealing from a player is ok then ?????? i see select players which kept there rewards which were right next to me when i was playing they all kept theres so come on moderating staff please answer me that one why they have no ep removed from them ??? is it they know someone up the food chain in BP just asking alot of questions??? so seeing this is an actual amount of real questions not complaints as you claimed how about a real answer
    thank you
    ~Blaid~ likes this.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    "again my question is when will there be an actual announcement"

    All announcements are made when we are given them. We have been given nothing to post regarding the ep reversal. I am sure we will be given something, until then we have nothing to post.

    You state that some players have lost ep and others have not. I have asked the same question of the team and got told that this is simply due to the fact that this is not an instant script, it will take some time to run. How long this will be, I was given no answer to.

    I do not believe in any way shape or form that bigpoint are calling players cheats, however if your opinion differs from mine then we will have to agree to disagree.

    As I have answered your original questions I am going to close this thread. It is not our practice to get in to any type of argument with players.

    If you wish to discuss this further, then please contact the customer care team, as you were asked to on the general questions section of the forum and a member of the support team may be able to discuss this further with you.

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