Invalid Entry

Discussion in 'Help' started by Pirate192, Mar 21, 2015.

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  1. Pirate192

    Pirate192 Forum Apprentice

    Its annoying how when I go to quickly buy cannonballs or harpoons from the seachart I get "Invalid Entry" even when everything seems to be right in terms of money and amount. Either that, or I get an empty pop up with no text at all. This is a hassle especially when I am trying to buy them at my convience.
  2. forumaccan

    forumaccan Padavan

    Its only for the 1st buy, try to buy from the seachart again and it will work.
    But you are right its annoying.
  3. Pirate192

    Pirate192 Forum Apprentice

    No it happens several times in a row
  4. forumaccan

    forumaccan Padavan

    Hmm, for me its only the first time, maybe im just lucky. :eek:
    But yes, they must fix this.
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We are currently aware of this issue and the team are working to resolve it, however as your fellow players have stated this normally works on the second try.

    We can only ask that for now you keep trying, it will work.

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
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