Is tis for real?

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Snake.~, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. ~Snake.~

    ~Snake.~ Forum Apprentice

    big point says its their birthday celebration yet we cant get to celebrate? i try to log on sea chart all i get is congestion error,I've cleared cache,cleared storage for flash ,tried several browsers so that doesn't help.and to top it off you people who runs the forums are acting like people are making a big deal out of nothing ..well let me tell u its bloody big thing when u spend your money on a game and cannot enjoy it,Ok big point programmers don't work on weekend ,are you guys so unfair that one cannot leave his home and sort work out as this is a case of emergency when half the players cant get on the game,eventually this game will be down the toilet if u folks don't act like u care about the people who pays your so call programmers
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Snake, we are very much aware that this is a huge issue for the players. Every member of the moderator team is also a player, we know and understand your frustration, many of the team are having the same issues.

    I personally, although have only had a couple of hours to actually try the event have not had too much problems.

    I use firefox, I have it set to automatically clear cache and cookies each time I close down, I find that that has saved me many problems with the log in issue and with the lag. This may help you to try that when you get stuck loading or get the congestion error.

    I can also assure you that the dev team have been working all weekend, from 8 in the morning until 11 at night trying to resolve the problems.

    All we can do at this time is apologise for the inconvenience caused.
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